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There are 137 Ten-Letter Words That Start With "FR"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Fractional372 284-6625
Fractioned372 284-6633
Fracturing372 288-7464
Fragmental372 463-6825
Fragmented372 463-6833
Fragrances372 472-6237
Fragrantly372 472-6859
Frambesias372 623-7427
Framboesia372 626-3742
Framboises372 626-4737
Frameshift372 637-4438
Frameworks372 639-6757
Franchised372 624-4733
Franchisee372 624-4733
Franchiser372 624-4737
Franchises372 624-4737
Franchisor372 624-4767
Franciscan372 624-7226
Francolins372 626-5467
Francophil372 626-7445
Frangipane372 644-7263
Frangipani372 644-7264
Frankforts372 653-6787
Frankfurts372 653-8787
Franklinic372 655-4642
Fratercula372 837-2852
Fraternise372 837-6473
Fraternity372 837-6489
Fraternize372 837-6493
Fratricide372 874-2433
Fraudulent372 838-5368
Fraughting372 844-8464
Fraxinella372 946-3552
Freakiness373 254-6377
Freakishly373 254-7459
Freckliest373 255-4378
Freebasers373 322-7377
Freebasing373 322-7464
Freeboards373 326-2737
Freebooted373 326-6833
Freebooter373 326-6837
Freedwoman373 339-6626
Freedwomen373 339-6636
Freehanded373 342-6333
Freeholder373 346-5337
Freelanced373 352-6233
Freelancer373 352-6237
Freelances373 352-6237
Freeloaded373 356-2333
Freeloader373 356-2337
Freemartin373 362-7846
Freenesses373 363-7737
Freestones373 378-6637
Freestyler373 378-9537
Freestyles373 378-9537
Freewheels373 394-3357
Freezingly373 394-6459
Fregatidae373 428-4323
Freightage373 444-8243
Freighters373 444-8377
Freighting373 444-8464
Fremituses373 648-8737
Frenetical373 638-4225
Frenziedly373 694-3359
Frequences373 783-6237
Frequented373 783-6833
Frequenter373 783-6837
Frequently373 783-6859
Fresheners373 743-6377
Freshening373 743-6464
Freshwater373 749-2837
Friability374 224-5489
Fricandeau374 226-3328
Fricandoes374 226-3637
Fricasseed374 227-7333
Fricassees374 227-7337
Fricatives374 228-4837
Frictional374 284-6625
Friedcakes374 332-2537
Friendless374 363-5377
Friendlier374 363-5437
Friendlies374 363-5437
Friendlily374 363-5459
Friendship374 363-7447
Friezelike374 393-5453
Frightened374 448-3633
Frightless374 448-5377
Frightment374 448-6368
Frigidness374 443-6377
Frigorific374 467-4342
Frijolillo374 565-4556
Fringeless374 643-5377
Fripperies374 773-7437
Friskiness374 754-6377
Fritillary374 845-5279
Fritterers374 883-7377
Frittering374 883-7464
Frivollers374 865-5377
Frivolling374 865-5464
Frizziness374 994-6377
Frizzliest374 995-4378
Froelichia376 354-2442
Frogfishes376 434-7437
Froghopper376 446-7737
Frolicking376 542-5464
Frolicsome376 542-7663
Fromenties376 636-8437
Frondation376 632-8466
Frontality376 682-5489
Frontbench376 682-3624
Frontcourt376 682-6878
Frontingly376 684-6459
Frontstall376 687-8255
Frontwards376 689-2737
Frostbites376 782-4837
Frostiness376 784-6377
Frostworks376 789-6757
Frothiness376 844-6377
Frowningly376 964-6459
Frowstiest376 978-4378
Frozenness376 936-6377
Fructified378 284-3433
Fructifies378 284-3437
Frugalness378 425-6377
Frugivores378 448-6737
Fruitarian378 482-7426
Fruitcakes378 482-2537
Fruiterers378 483-7377
Fruiteries378 483-7437
Fruitfully378 483-8559
Fruitiness378 484-6377
Fruitwoods378 489-6637
Frumenties378 636-8437
Frumpishly378 674-7459
Frustrated378 787-2833
Frustrates378 787-2837
Frutescent378 837-2368