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There are 17 Ten-Letter Words That Start With "FOO"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Foodstuffs366 378-8337
Foolfishes366 534-7437
Foolishest366 547-4378
Footballer366 822-5537
Footboards366 826-2737
Footbridge366 827-4343
Footcandle366 822-6353
Footcloths366 825-6847
Footedness366 833-6377
Footfaults366 832-8587
Footlessly366 853-7759
Footlights366 854-4487
Footlocker366 856-2537
Footnoting366 866-8464
Footprints366 877-4687
Footstones366 878-6637
Footstools366 878-6657