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There are 43 Ten-Letter Words That Start With "CONF"

WordDigits in
Telephone Number
Confabbing266 322-2464
Confecting266 332-8464
Confection266 332-8466
Confederal266 333-3725
Conference266 337-3623
Conferment266 337-6368
Conferrals266 337-7257
Conferrers266 337-7377
Conferring266 337-7464
Confessing266 337-7464
Confession266 337-7466
Confessors266 337-7677
Confidante266 343-2683
Confidants266 343-2687
Confidence266 343-3623
Configured266 344-8733
Configures266 344-8737
Confinable266 346-2253
Confirmand266 347-6263
Confirming266 347-6464
Confiscate266 347-2283
Confiteors266 348-3677
Confitures266 348-8737
Conflating266 352-8464
Conflation266 352-8466
Conflicted266 354-2833
Confluence266 358-3623
Confluents266 358-3687
Confocally266 362-2559
Conformers266 367-6377
Conforming266 367-6464
Conformism266 367-6476
Conformist266 367-6478
Conformity266 367-6489
Confounded266 368-6333
Confounder266 368-6337
Confrontal266 376-6825
Confronted266 376-6833
Confronter266 376-6837
Confusable266 387-2253
Confusedly266 387-3359
Confusions266 387-4667
Confutable266 388-2253